T7: Aerial Core – boosting the adoption of aerial robotics in real-world applications
Date and time: June 21, 2022, 9:00-17:00 h (full day)
Organizers and Presenters
Stjepan Bogan
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia
Goran Vasiljevic
University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, Croatia
Anibal Ollero
University of Seville, Spain
Tutorial Summary
The main objective of AERIAL-CORE project is the development of core technology modules and an integrated aerial cognitive robotic system that will have unprecedented capabilities on the operational range and safety in the interaction with people, or Aerial Co-Workers (ACW), for applications such as the inspection and maintenance of large infrastructures.
The project integrates aerial robots with different characteristics to meet the requirements of: (1) Long range (several kilometres) and local very accurate (subcentimetre) inspection of the infrastructure capability; (2) Maintenance activities based on aerial manipulation involving force interactions; and (3) Aerial co-working safely and efficiently helping human workers in inspection and maintenance.
Within this tutorial, AERIAL-CORE technology modules will be described.
Among the others, we will present (1) Cognitive functionalities for aerial robots including perception based on novel sensors, such as event cameras, and data fusion techniques, learning, reactivity, fast on-line planning, and teaming; (2) Aerial platforms with morphing capabilities, to save energy in long range flights and perform a very accurate inspection; (3) Cognitive aerial manipulation capabilities, including manipulation while flying, while holding with one limb, and while hanging or perching to improve accuracy and develop greater forces; (4) Cognitive safe aerial robotic co-workers capable of physical interaction with people; and (5) Integrated aerial robotic system for the inspection and maintenance of large infrastructures.
*More details to follow.