Competition Rule Book
The updated UAV Competition rulebook (v2.0, 2022-04-01) is now available. Changes from the previous version are marked in red. Please note that this document is subject to change, refinement and development.
Clarifications and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are available on this web page (see below).
The initial version of the rule book was v1.0, released on January 28, 2022.
Technical description and software on GitHub
As of February 1, 2022, the repository containing technical description and software is available on GitHub:
In case of issues with the installation, or if any clarifications are required with respect to the technical details, please use Github issues or discussions, according to instructions here:
GitHub Competition Discussions
We will be using Discussions to manage your feedback, answer your questions regarding the scenarios, provide clarifications on the rules and scoring, provide additional technical details and so on.
Questions via e-mail
Alternatively, questions may also be sent to the official competition e-mail address: